Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 10: music

This week Kate and Leanne reminisce about music. Specifically live music. They recently met up for a live gig for the first time in a couple of years to see Kate’s all time favourite band, The Models.

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 9: movement

This week Kate and Leanne talk to Kari from The MVMT Studio. Kari addresses the challenge of how to get moving, and keep moving while experiencing low energy and motivation. Find something that you enjoy, move with a friend (especially someone that can ‘spot’ you).

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 8: rage

Rrrrrrrage … pure rage. This week Kate and Leanne talk about those moments when they experience RAGE. Will it ever end?

Language warning - it is impossible to discuss rage without dropping a few f-bombs.

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 7: bloody mess

This week Leanne and Kate talk about the bloody mess. Just when you think menstrual bleeding with stop or ease it doesn’t. Kate and Leanne talk leakage, pads, cups, tampons, and lots and lots of BLOOD. Be warned, this episode is not for the squeamish!!

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 6: optimism

Our guest this week is Dr Louise, an experienced GP, who lists women’s health amongst her extensive medical interests. While bringing a message of hope, Dr Louise offers advice on how to find a good GP to help you through perimenopause and menopause. She also explains how hormones are changing in our bodies and what to look out for.

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 5: mindthemind

Leanne and Kate talk to their friend Jo about dementia prevention - and netball! Jo is writing a thesis on dementia prevention and primary health care, and has some tips for keeping the brain and body in good shape for the next phase of our lives.

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 4: scatterbrain

No-one prepares you for memory loss. Leanne and Kate experience brain fog in real time! What are we talking about? What’s the thing, for the thing, that does the thing?

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 3: oomph

Energy levels. Kate rides a precipitous journey while Leanne is tired all the time. Why don’t they have any leave days left at work? Why are they surprised by this? Our hormone, vitamin and minerals levels fluctuate.

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 2: Steer into the squid

Leanne and Kate meet via Zoom to talk about the bloody mess that is menopause. How did they meet? How did the conversation about menopause begin? How does this even come up in conversation?

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Leanne Whykes Leanne Whykes

Episode 1: Unfiltered

Meet Leanne & Kate as they introduce you to this podcast and give you an insight into why they want to talk about menopause.

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